How to Find Your Seasonal Brand Personality

Here in sunny California, the seasons are definitely mild. Having been born and raised here, I’m a total wuss for the seasons and consider anything below 60°F freezing, and anything above 85°F unbearable.

But I LOVE seasons when we’re talking about design because it’s all about my favorite thing: COLOR. Today I am sharing how you can find your seasonal brand personality! 

What is a seasonal brand personality?

A seasonal brand personality is based on color theory applied to branding that also covers the texture, shapes, patterns, and more visual elements. It is a concept that categorizes color palettes and those brand “moods” into four seasons. When you can determine the season that best matches your brand and make sure all elements stay within that season, everything will become more cohesive. If you have ever looked at your branding and wondered why everything is so mismatched, seasonal brand personality will be your friend.

It gives you the vocabulary, characteristics, and tools to articulate what will look on-brand and what to stay away from—from colors to graphics to even props for your brand photos, the brand personality can guide your aesthetic direction. Knowing your season makes visualizing your brand simple!

Describe Your Brand

Before thinking about the seasons, you need to define your brand in keywords. What words feel true to your business? For example, if you would use the words “creative” or “friendly”, the spring season would be your match. If you would use “edgy” or “no-fuss”, winter might be the best fit for you.

But how will you determine this on your own? You know I have you covered. After reading this blog, grab my free seasonal brand personality workbook that guides you through this process.

It’ll match you to your season based on the keywords you choose. Plus, there is an extra surprise there for some color palette inspiration. BUT, remember…

Building Your Color Palette

…just because I am providing you with some color palette ideas, doesn’t mean your job is done. You can totally steal them but building your own palette will ensure that your colors are aligned with your brand. Don’t get intimidated: YOU are your brand. With the guidance of seasonal brand personality, all you have to do is keep your season in mind and you’ll know which tones to go for and which options to stay away from. Find out more details about how to build your brand color palette here. Honestly, color is such a HUGE part of your branding design, arguably even more important than (dare I say it?) the logo. 

Using Your Seasonal Brand Personality

Use this as a guide to cull out the pieces of your branding that don’t fit into your seasonal brand personality. As you update your website, email templates, social, and plan future photoshoots, make sure everything falls into your selected season. From what you wear to the props you use, let the seasons guide you! Staying on-brand for all of your future projects with these tips in mind will be a breeze.

If you found this blog helpful, find out what brand patterns are and how to use them next!

Lisa Aihara

Lisa Aihara is a Los Angeles based illustrator, lettering artist, graphic designer, and owner of Ellette Studio.

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